Personalized Plates

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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2013
Huntington Beach, CA
A couple of us were trading our i3 personalized license plates on another thread and Bishbosh came up with the idea to start a new thread for everybody to post them so here it goes . . . Here is mine to get it started

Already a thread on number plates:

I have the plates, just waiting for the i3 now :)

Not personalised but I got the choice and saw HN14 ELC was up for grabs at the dealer.

A bit like ELEC, I didn't think people would notice but I have had a few comments about it, not bad for free.
Gonville said:
I think this is the best I have seen in UK from bishbosh.....

Thanks Gonville. Luckily I didn't pay as much as MY13 BEV seems to be priced at, seems a bit steep.

The dealer thought it was pretty cool too. :)

Any excuse for a pic though.....

Professionally, I secured 5 sets of NYS plates PLUG IN, PLUG IN 1-5 about five years ago for our test fleet. I am now retired from NYSERDA but they are still using some of those plates.

Myself, I am still relying on my old political/vanity plate.
It's been over a year since the last post on this thread and I'm sure there have been a lot of new ideas for plates on an i3.

Here's our: WATTS UP (Wisconsin)

Our previous gas car had MOON 00 (with the lower right portion of the 00 blacken out to resemble eyes). You would have to be quite old to remember Moon Equipment Company and their Moon Eyes logo. Ever so often someone would pull along side and honk or give a thumbs up, in most instances the person was 60+.

Lots of fun with both plates.

Apparently the dealer always asks in this area if there's "anything cool" available when they go to do your registration. The DMV being somewhat humorless, I got regularly goofy letter/number plates. They did suggest the extra fee for the EV plate we have...(we have ocean waves on our license plates...on the EV one, the waves are green instead of blue).
I'm not sure green water is normal. LOL.