What's your favorite coding change?

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2014
East Coast, USA
I lifted this list from the Facebook files, and it appears comprehensive.

I think my favorite is the auto-unlock of the doors when the car is turned off. With my young daughter as passenger, I can't tell you how many times I've walked around to the passenger door to get her out, only to see a locked door (I don't have Comfort Access.) Reaching into my pocket to tap the unlock button on the fob is so much work!

Are there any coding modifications you've made that are not on this list?

SeatBelt Reminder Lights OFF
Disable Welcome 3 Gongs
SeatBelt Reminders/Sound OFF

Change Behavior of 3rd Button on Keyfob (short, med, long press of button)
-Wert_00 = No Action
-Wert_02 = Open Trunk (rear Boot)
-Wert_03 = Panic Alarm
-Wert_04 = Follow-Me-Home (find car in dark parking lot – lights on)
-Wert_05 = Open Frunk (front boot)
-Wert_07 = Auxillary Cooling

Auto Start/Stop OFF by default
Auto Start/Stop – Remember LAST Setting
Unlock all doors with engine off (Single-Pull Handles):
Electronics off when door opened
Start Car by pushing button (hold brake not needed)
Increase DRL Brightness to be brighter (increases voltage to the LED Bulbs)
Close windows, sunroof & mirror from key fob:
Set Mirror Fold Delay Time
Change Mirror Un-Fold Automatically at XX Speed (Binary value in Werte):
Turn off front window roll-up door interrupt (Auto-Up when door is not closed):
Change Triple-Blink Count to another Value:
Turn on Brake Force Flashing with Hard Braking:
Tilt Passenger Mirror farther down when in reverse
Ambiance Lighting controlled independent from Dimmer Switch
Enable Illumination of Exterior Door Handle LEDs when in Reverse
Turn on Fog Lights with Welcome Lights:
Activate Rear Fog Lights (Euro-Switch or Mod Needed to switch in order to work):
Turn On Tail Lights with DRLs:
Auto Headlight Turn-On/Off Sensitivity:
Enable AM Radio
Enable Hold-Mode for Range Extender (Once enabled, under Settings in iDrive → Auto eDrive to enable REx manually (once battery is below 75%) ** If I had the Rex, this would be a fave. **
Set cell phone ringer as primary
Disable Auto-Locking of Doors once begin driving
Change Navi Voice to British English
Video In-Motion (No Longer need to be stopped to view)
Navi Trip-Import
Navi Fuel-Stop Proposal Along Route
Enable Video Files from USB
Add GPS Current Location to Navi Menu Items
Enable the function of saving video files to NBT Hard Drive for play later
Disable Office Function Speed Lock-Out
Enable Full Text Lines in Office While Driving
Disable Audible Chirp/Beep When Locking Car
Enable Speeach Input for E-Mail or SMS
Enable Time-Stamp Display for Call Log
Add Temperature & PSI to tire monitor screen
Disable Legal Disclaimers
Change i-Drive Animation to ///M Logo
Change iDrive Animation to Standard BMW Connected Drive:
Enable Developer Menu

HVAC System Remembers Last Setting
HVAC System Remember Air ReCirculating (ALWAYS AUTO by default on startup)

Show Digital Speed in MPH in Instrument Cluster (active by BC button cycle)
Enable GPS-Sync for Clock to Instrument Cluster
Alter Range Extender activation battery capacity level:

Enable Rear-View Camera at all Speeds
Like you my favorite is he auto unlock but for a slightly different reason - I found myself on numerous occasions stopping and going back to open the tailgate to get stuff out, only to find it locked. So have to go back and unlock from button or remote key. Enabling this has really helped me save some aggravation. Here is my list of coded features so far:
* Unlock all doors with engine off
* Close windows, mirrors from key fob - strangely enough you can open the windows by holding the unlock button on the key fob but cannot close them (which I think is more useful) in the default settings. This was a feature on my older bimmers but have to code it in here to enable it.
* Turn on brake flashing with hard braking - I liked this one but every time I triggered it, it would pop up a lighting error message on the control display which has to be cleared. I ended up changing this back to not flash to avoid triggering the annoying error.
* Enable hold mode for the range extender - I like this one also.
* Add temperature and psi to tire monitor screen
* Disable legal disclaimers - all 3.
* Alter range extender activation battery capacity level - set it to 10% by a request from my wife - she felt she'd be more comfortable at that lever if she has to go through hilly areas.

Does anyone know what does the "Navi trip-import" feature do? I am looking for a way to be able to send a route from computer or phone (android) to car but so far have been able to only send an address not a whole route. Is this related?

I am also looking for a way to be able to control the volume in a more convenient way. My previous cars had the volume control on the left side of the steering wheel, which I find much more convenient since I am holding the wheel with my left hand. I find it equally inconvenient to reach out to the radio knob or the +/- buttons on the wheel (OK, don't start bashing me here, I realize I am talking petty stuff). I think it would be nice if we can control the volume with the touchpad like you can do it when you adjust the tone.

Does anyone else know any interesting coding modifications?
rtanov said:
* Turn on brake flashing with hard braking - I liked this one but every time I triggered it, it would pop up a lighting error message on the control display which has to be cleared. I ended up changing this back to not flash to avoid triggering the annoying error.
Does the lamp clear after you turn off the car? I made this active but haven't tested it. I could live with the error light if it goes away the next time I start up.
websterize said:
rtanov said:
* Turn on brake flashing with hard braking - I liked this one but every time I triggered it, it would pop up a lighting error message on the control display which has to be cleared. I ended up changing this back to not flash to avoid triggering the annoying error.
Does the lamp clear after you turn off the car? I made this active but haven't tested it. I could live with the error light if it goes away the next time I start up.

No, it's actually better - once you hit "Ok" on the message it is cleared and everything is normal, you don't need to stop the car or anything.
A forum member suggested posting the list of codes from the Facebook file that included the module locations. Download the original Word file here.

The forum member also mentioned this October coding thread, started by Tom Moloughney, which I wish I’d read before creating this new topic. See the original thread at http://www.mybmwi3.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1616

And for the Facebook phobic: You don’t need to disclose any personal information besides an email address to access the i3 page. I was approved to join the closed group almost immediately. With several thousand members, it is a trove of i3 information, especially the files link at the top of the page. This site, the Facebook page and Moloughney’s blog are the triumvirate of all-things i3. In the Facebook files section, there is a beginning-coder's guide (PDF). Without its step-by-step instructions, I would have been too intimidated to code the car.

If your paper owner’s manual is dog-eared, you’re doing yourself a disservice by avoiding the i3 Facebook group.
One coding lesson I learned: ensure that you disconnect via the software, quit the program and unplug the OBD/ethernet cable before you turn off the car.

If you turn it off before disconnecting, the car's alarm will activate after you lock the car. Not sure why.
I just found a new coding change which I think is cool and useful. While trying to make the route magnet work I came across two other navigation options that could be turned on in this post:
Not sure whether they both have to be activated but I did. Once activated when you have set a navigation route and go to the main navigation menu (twice to the left with the controller) there is a new "Route Preview" with two sub-menu items - "Route Information" (I think this was in the main menu before) and "Route SImulation" which is new. When you select this it would put new buttons on the left to be able to play, pause, etc. the navigation simulation. This post has some more details:
I have not activated the ROUTE_FLIGHT option referenced there since I read it after I did my coding. However, everything seems to work without it.
Anyone have luck getting this to work in the BDC Body Module?

"Close windows, sunroof & mirror from key fob:
3056  KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB (Comfort Access ONLY) Set to: aktiv 00
3110  ASP_BEIKLAPPEN Set to: aktiv

I don't have Comfort Access. The first one, 3110  ASP_BEIKLAPPEN Set to: aktiv — was already set to "aktiv," but the two other 3110 lines were not active. I set them to active, rolled down the windows, but they don't close when I hold in the lock button on the fob.
websterize said:
Anyone have luck getting this to work in the BDC Body Module?

"Close windows, sunroof & mirror from key fob:
3056  KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB (Comfort Access ONLY) Set to: aktiv 00
3110  ASP_BEIKLAPPEN Set to: aktiv

I don't have Comfort Access. The first one, 3110  ASP_BEIKLAPPEN Set to: aktiv — was already set to "aktiv," but the two other 3110 lines were not active. I set them to active, rolled down the windows, but they don't close when I hold in the lock button on the fob.

Yes, it works for me and I don't have Comfort access either. There was a trick there as it wasn't working for me the first time. As far as I remember you have to change the Werte value for the first option to 00. This was discussed in the other BMW forums...
rtanov said:
Yes, it works for me and I don't have Comfort access either. There was a trick there as it wasn't working for me the first time. As far as I remember you have to change the Werte value for the first option to 00. This was discussed in the other BMW forums...
Thanks. Unfortunately, assigning the Werte to 00 on "3110  ASP_BEIKLAPPEN" didn't enable closing the windows from the fob's lock button. Here's the code I used:

3110  ASP_BEIKLAPPEN Set to: aktiv Werte=00 (Werte=01 doesn't work, either)

Any chance you could post your settings?
No, you have to do it on the 3056 ->KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB option. Although the instructions say (Comfort Access ONLY) and our cars don't have it, apparently it needs to be set. Here are my settings:
3056 -> KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB - activ, Werte=00
3010 -> ASP_BEIKLAPPEN - activ, Werte=01
Eureka! Vielen danke, rtanov.

For the record:

This enables closing windows and folding side mirrors after holding the lock button the key fob.

BDC Module
3056 -> KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB - activ, Werte=00
3110 -> ASP_BEIKLAPPEN - activ, Werte=01
I've coded the following on my BEV after experimenting for a day

  • 3001 Gurtwarnung, 10

    • SeatBeltReminder_Fahrer nicht_aktiv
      SBR-Prewarning_Fahrer nicht_aktiv
CAF [BDC_01]

  • 3056 PwMaster, 0F

    • KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB aktiv Fold mirrors when locking
      KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_PA aktiv Fold mirrors when locking
      FH_SCHLIESSEN_EINSTG aktiv Close windows when door closes
    3068 LceMaster, 22

    • BLINKZYKLEN_ANZAHL_TIPP 4 Number of signal blinks (5)
    3070 LciMaster, A5

    • OVT_BEI_RUECKFAHRLICHT aktiv Activate door handle light on reverse
      OVT_DAUER 14 Time door handle light stays on
    3110 PfExternalMirrorMaster, 10

    • ASP_BEIKLAPPEN_BEI_KOMFORTSCHLIESSEN aktiv Fold mirrors when locking

  • 3000 HMI, 98

    • VIDEO_HANDBRAKE nicht_aktiv disable video playback with handbrake
      VIDEO_FRONT_LOCKED nicht_aktiv disable video playback with handbrake
      VIDEO_SPEEDLOCK_CONDITION none disable video playback with handbrake
      SPEEDLOCK_X_KMH_MIN nicht_aktiv min speed to deactivate service msg
      SPEEDLOCK_X_KMH_MAX nicht_aktiv max speed to deactivate service msg
    3001 EXBOX, 97

    • LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_TIME kein_ld do not display legal disclaimer
      STARTUP_TYPE animation
      STARTUP_EMBLEM 02 //M video

    • CONTACT_BOOK_PICTURES aktiv enable contact pictures *** I expected contact photos, but no change

Has anyone tried activating the Office options (MACRO_PIM, PIM_EXCHANGE_SUPPORT, ...)? I can't seem to get my emails on the system.

There is also a diagnostic WiFi mode. It might be possible to create a mobile WiFi hotspot with the built-in 3G radio
Is there a code that can be removed or added to disable regenerative braking? Trying to fix the nausea issue my wife is having as a passenger in the car.
Don't know about a code, but if you drive the i3 like a regular car and just let off on the pedal when you want to slow down, it will be a pain as a passenger. You need to practice letting the go pedal off with the understanding that all the way off is braking, part way down is coasting, and further down is going...there's no reason for it to be jerky IF you learn that new skill. In my case, it only took a couple of days to become smooth. That's the magic word...smooth - you must be smooth and gradual when manipulating the go pedal and if you do, the car will respond quite nicely. Otherwise, it will be more of an amusement ride.