Miss-Fire Codes when Rex Shutting Down mid-trip...

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Mar 18, 2022
I have a 2016 i3 Rex with 70,000 miles on the odometer that I mostly use to commute to work 23 miles from home. Most days I have about 58 miles showing on the battery when it is fully charged.

I was on a longer trip (72 miles one-way) and had been using the Range Extender engine on the return trip for about 44 miles when it shut down and it displayed the message that the Range Extender was not available. Luckily, I made it the rest of the way home on the battery.

The check engine light is on and I found miss-fire codes for one cylinder. I've replaced the fuel pump relay, spark plugs and ignition coils.

The Range Extender engine is still shutting down after running a short time.

Any suggestions as to what I do next?
It will run for about 25 seconds after I ask it to maintain charge…
When it cuts off I get misfire codes saying: 125002 Mis-fire on cylinder 2: inadequate combustion in cylinder 2.
I’ve changed the fuel pump relay, spark plugs and ignition coils. Still have the problem…

If you can change the plugs its a small step to pop the cam cover and check the timing. the cam geras and reluctor are press fit. I put an image up to check the reluctor, the gears can be checked vs their own reference marks
How did you "Pop the cam cover"?

I've gotten down to that and it acts like it's stuck in place and I'm concerned about breaking it!
There are 6 bolts, 5 on the cam cover, one in the middle is easy to miss as its the stud that holds the wiring for the coils. there is also the earth strap at the top under the injector rail. they al need to be removed before it can come off