Recent content by RunonMD1

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  1. R

    Glare from dashboard?

    *********************************************************************** Same problem. Good tip as to Dashmat. Will definitely check it out. Thanks! A very minor point...I think you meant "its," not "it's," which means "it is," for example.
  2. R

    So What's New?

    Please forgive me, but I am the centerfold of "Newbie" Magazine. What is "SOC"? I imagine it has something to do with charge, or capacity, or some other "c" word... Thanks.
  3. R

    So What's New?

    Or will be in next year's model? What changes? I understand that they won't be major, but does anyone know? I understand that the current one will stop production this December. If so, unless they are tooling up now, next year's model will start production shortly thereafter (assuming my...