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  1. I

    AC just went out

    My all battery i3's AC just went out this weekend. I normally run in comfort mode but this weekend, I switched to eco pro + mode which I understand turns off the AC compressor. Now, when I switch to comfort mode, the AC compressor does not come on. Of course, the AC button is switched on...
  2. I

    Has anyone got a fault-free i3?

    400+ miles with my BEX and no apparent issues yet. That said, when my AC is on, I hear an annoying click sound from the rear. Is that normal?
  3. I

    Initial impressions and accessories needed!

    Wow, forgot about the cup holder/ash tray! I took the holder from under the arm rest and voila it fits! For some reason I thought you could put three holders.... I'll check out the sunshade, thx for tip!
  4. I

    Initial impressions and accessories needed!

    Hi all, I picked up my i3 (non-Rex) several weeks ago and have put 300+ miles and can't be happier! I love the amazing torque out of this little beast and have not missed going to the gas station! That said, I will probably have to replace the tires sooner because I can't keep my foot off the...