Charger lock/unlock sensor for L1

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Jan 12, 2016
It would be great to have a chip or sensor (or I would imagine the car could determine based on charging time) to keep an L1 charger locked even after completion. Here in the US the L1 charging we use our own charger so if I park at the airport and plug-in, I would like to charger to stay locked even after charge so no one can take my cable. For the L2, I like the ability to auto-unlock since this is either done at a public location or in my locked garage.
The car knows if it's level 1 or 2, but there are some public level 1 EVSE's out there, so BMW chose to unlock all the time. I agree, though, it would be best if it were a user option. Outside of the USA, not all EVSE's have a tethered cable, so you must use your own, which is more of an extension cable verses ours that are tethered to the EVSE. They'd have the same issue about someone stealing their cable, but the supplied EVSE there is also a (small) level 2 unit verses our level 1.