Unintended opening of windows with covered key fob?

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Active member
Dec 2, 2013
Birmingham, UK
Has anyone yet had unintended opening of the windows while the key fob is protected by blue glow-in-the-dark official BMW i3 fob cover?

We haven't had this happen yet, but our car sits outside the house in wet England, so we were pleased to get one in a welcome pack a month after hand-over. I probably need one for the second key, too, and BMW should make it standard issue.
Since I have comfort access on mine, I installed the cover with the buttons inside of the cover. Prior to getting that, I'd had a few instances of window and locks being activated. It takes a fairly long press to get the windows to activate with the unlock button. But, if you have your idrive settings to enable it, if you don't open the doors, it can relock after a delay, so you wouldn't necessarily associate the two things. The button to unlock is just too close to the edge of the fob IMHO. poor design.
I've only just received my blue plastic cover, but I have had the windows open unbeknownst TWICE before I got it. And it was p1551ng handcarts both times! The car was soaked and took days to dry out. :(
I'm pretty sure I hadn't long-pressed the unlock button - but who knows? So I asked the garage if it could be disabled, and they said it's a "feature" on all BMW's, but they could reprogram the car to stop it being active.
So they did the fix, but it didn't work! :eek: The windows still descend with a long press on the open button, which I agree with jadnashuah is far too near the edge of the fob. I don't think the blue thing helps much, either.
Meanwhile, the garage is trying to find out from BMW how to disable the "facility". I await the next downpour with dread!