Recent content by bryanmsi

BMW i3 Forum

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  1. B

    Any way to unlock REX on the standard nav?

    Yep - can confirm manual coding works just fine on the standard nav.
  2. B

    Taking Control of your Range Extender - Mike Mas

    The alternative is to go through a more complex process of "coding" your car's settings directly with a PC running the eSYS software plugged into the OBDII port under the dashboard. If you are semi technical (or really technical) this is a free way to to not only enable the same "hold" mode but...
  3. B

    Long haul rexing?

    I tested this on level ground at about 70 degrees ambient temps with AC on low in Comfort mode. Above 70 mph - Rex unable to fully power vehicle (battery range slowly dropped) Between 64-67mph - Rex able to fully power vehicle Below 64mph - REX generating surplus power (i.e. could put...
  4. B

    US i3 Rex dangerous when climbing hills

    The i3 is clearly designed with ability to user-invoke the REX above SoC levels of 6.5%. That's the default behavior in Europe and a feature the European owners can use as often as they like. Likewise, the extra 0.5 gal fuel tank that Europeans enjoy is exactly the same tank we have in the...