Interesting Irish POV on the i3 (REX)

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2014
Tiburon, CA
Yes, I read it yesterday.

The tester obviously decided he would not like the car from the beginning! He states ‘sudden racket’ when he describes the range extender operating………. well I tried it on 2 separate test drives both at speed and around tow. I was sat in the rear seat just so I could listen for any noise and at speed I could not detect it at all and around town I could hear the range extender but it certainly was not that obvious or intrusive! After reading that paragraph I decided the rest of the article was not worth paying any attention to - and this was born out.
I've not been an i3 REx but it does seem it sounds a bit noisy from the outside
I guess this is an opinion.. but I must say that the Rex which I borrowed for an evening had a pretty quiet range extender... I could only hear it from within the car if I listened really hard, it certainly doesnt generate any more noise than a bulk standard gas car.... I don't know what this guys expectation was but a gas engine does make noise.

Also, one should question how accurate is the instrumentation and range estimates on a gas car.. it also depends on how you drive, just like an i3. The i3 does not re-invent physics.

His comments on range are well know though, and yes this is a new trailblazing area of motoring which I, and 10,000 others can't wait to get 'plugged in' too. This is a town and short run about solution, plugging a big gap with a great machine.

There... rant over lol... Roll on June.
Ross said:
I've not been an i3 REx but it does seem it sounds a bit noisy from the outside

Very hard to tell from this video just how noisy it is. But it is a gas motor - certainly it's not going to be silent.
Michael McAleer said:
How many times have you let your phone run out of power, for instance? On a stormy night last week, I simply couldn’t muster up the motivation to fiddle around with plugs and cables. That’s where the range extender in this i3 proves its worth.

I've never had a phone, tablet, et al run out of power because I couldn't be bothered to charge them overnight. You base your evaluation of emerging technology on your own sloven habits? No thank you. The only sane conclusion?

Michael McAleer is an idiot.