Question about Range Extender

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Hi everybody!

I was just looking at the subject and I was just looking at the i3 documentation.
They say the Rex will bring 120-150 km (75-90 miles) of additionnal real autonomy ( 170 in NEDC cycle, 105 miles).
TomMoloughney said:
Do you have any documentation or links about the 60 mile REx range? Everything I've read and BMW's press release says it will extend the range 85 - 90 miles.

From the i3 Flyer

i3 with Range Extender:
Electric Range in everyday use 120-150km (75 to 93.75 miles)
Overall range, in everyday use km 240-300km (150 to 187.5 miles)

Worst case from BMW's numbers the car will go 60 miles on the battery and another 75 on the range extender before running out of fuel. At that point the car will have 15 miles of battery remaining.

On Leaf and Zoe the last 5 or 6 miles are in turtle mode. I don't know if the i3 does this or not.


I thought I had a BMW press release saying the REx was good for 100km, but now I can't find it. May have misremembered a number.
AndrewDebbie said:
TomMoloughney said:
Do you have any documentation or links about the 60 mile REx range? Everything I've read and BMW's press release says it will extend the range 85 - 90 miles.

From the i3 Flyer

i3 with Range Extender:
Electric Range in everyday use 120-150km (75 to 93.75 miles)
Overall range, in everyday use km 240-300km (150 to 187.5 miles)

Worst case from BMW's numbers the car will go 60 miles on the battery and another 75 on the range extender before running out of fuel. At that point the car will have 15 miles of battery remaining.

On Leaf and Zoe the last 5 or 6 miles are in turtle mode. I don't know if the i3 does this or not.


I thought I had a BMW press release saying the REx was good for 100km, but now I can't find it. May have misremembered a number.

Remember the "worst case" scenario is just some arbitrary number that doesn't tell you anything. The worst case would be if you sat in the car with the heater blasting for 20 hours and drained the battery without driving 1 meter. If they tell you 60 miles is the worst case then ask them if you get the car for free if you can drain the battery in 50 miles (which you can).

Drive it up an 8% grade at 65 mph when it's below freezing with the heater on full and let me know how that 60 mile worst case range works out! ;)
TomMoloughney said:
Remember the "worst case" scenario is just some arbitrary number that doesn't tell you anything. ... ;)

Of course. Until the car gets into the hands of real drivers, BMW's spec sheet is all we have to go by.

Anything else is just speculation and estimates. To Rex or not to Rex depends. I've done some estimates and in our case the extender doesn't offer us many destinations we can't get to without it.