Yet another drivetrain malfunction

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Mar 29, 2021
2014 REx, 35,300 miles. Los Angeles.
Owner was locked out of the car and figured out that it was the old 12v battery. Replacement battery from Remy Battery purchased, installed, but not registered.
It was driven for several days then threw a drivetrain malfunction.
Bimmerlink (and Bimmercode) purchased, battery registered, codes cleared, but the drivetrain malfunction persists.

The only recurring error code is: E-machine resolver adjustment not carried out or rotor position sensor offset not in the tolerance band.

Does anyone know what that code is and what my options are? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
Well, I can't find information on this error online and it seems like something that can't be reset/fixed easily.

So, I guess it's time to send it to the dealership since I need a functional vehicle.

Thanks you all!
Update: The dealership found broken motor mount brackets and it's going to cost about $3400 to fix.

I purchased this car used from a BMW dealership in a nearby city and I'm wondering, since this issue was part of a free service campaign from BMW, why wasn't this fixed between the original lessee returning the car to BMW and me purchasing it from them in April of 2017?

Unhappy, but I do love the car.
Drew001 said:
Update: The dealership found broken motor mount brackets and it's going to cost about $3400 to fix.
You're lucky that other expensive damage didn't occur after the bracket broke as has happened with others.

Drew001 said:
I purchased this car used from a BMW dealership in a nearby city and I'm wondering, since this issue was part of a free service campaign from BMW, why wasn't this fixed between the original lessee returning the car to BMW and me purchasing it from them in April of 2017?
The free service campaign replaced only a bolt that attached the bracket to the mount with a stronger bolt. As a 2014 BEV owner, I think that BMW should have replaced the rather fragile bracket as well, but they refused. I'm guessing that this service campaign was performed on your i3, but you could verify this with the dealer where you purchased your car. If the bracket had been broken when this service was performed, it would have been replaced at that time.

A few of the replacement bolts also broke. When this occurred, the bracket was also replaced, but apparently only if the original 4-year warranty was still in effect.
Mahalo for the insight, Art.

I was stewing last night as I tried to sleep, thinking that I'll get the car back from the dealership and find someone to do the job cheaper...
You are right, I am lucky more damage wasn't done.
However, I'm not going to authorize the $500 front brake job or the $205 micro air filter replacement. :D

Thanks again, Sir. Your knowledge is very appreciated here.
Drew001 said:
I was stewing last night as I tried to sleep, thinking that I'll get the car back from the dealership and find someone to do the job cheaper...
Unfortunately, the official BMW motor mount bracket replacement procedure involves dropping the drivetrain which is very labor-intensive (i.e., expensive). You might not be able to find a mechanic who would do this for less money. However, in the BMW i3 Worldwide Facebook group, a certified BMW i mechanic has posted a procedure that doesn't involve dropping the drivetrain. Several i3 owners have used this procedure to replace their motor mount brackets, but it might be difficult to find a commercial mechanic who would use this procedure.
I don't suppose you are near Baltimore, are ya? I've done the mount swap twice. One of them was bricked with drivetrain errors. The motor movement damaged low voltage wires going into the KLE and blew a few fuses. Bot that much time and money to fix.
Is this problem sorted now on the newer i3's ? I have just purchased a 2019 i3 S in the uk.
Brittas said:
Is this problem sorted now on the newer i3's ? I have just purchased a 2019 i3 S in the uk.

Yes, BMW switched to stronger bracket, mounts and bolts a few years before your car was made.
I don't suppose you are near Baltimore, are ya? I've done the mount swap twice. One of them was bricked with drivetrain errors. The motor movement damaged low voltage wires going into the KLE and blew a few fuses. Bot that much time and money to fix.

You mind indicating where these wires were? I think I could be suffering a similar issue and wonder where those wear points may be
You mind indicating where these wires were? I think I could be suffering a similar issue and wonder where those wear points may be
The damaged wires were two low voltage communication connectors on the top of the KLE. (connvenience charging equipment) On the later i3 (2018 for example) those were moved to the side of the KLE