Is this SoCal Edison metered electric plan worth it?

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2015
Hi all,

We're getting solar roof panels and will be paying about $0.17 for the solar electricity per kWh, which should power about 80% of our needs. The rest will be at SoCal Edison's full rate of about $0.24 average.

This SoCal Edison scheme offers separately metered electricity rates just for the EV:

As you can see the rates in the "Total" column vary from about $0.05 - $0.13.

Am I misreading something? Is there some catch? Or is this a no-brainer deal to go for?
Wow, seems like a no brainer. Even peak of 13 cents is pretty good. 5 cents is rediculous. Take it while you can, I don't think it will last.

For comparison I have PG&E EV rates. off-peak is 10 cents. Peak is 40cents. There is a partial peak period early in the day and evening as well at around 20 cents. Talking with EV users which started much earlier than me, they speak of the glory days of E9 where rates were in that range 3 - 5 cents. Not any more. The new rates aren't so bad though if you have solar and aren't at home during the day and can collect the credit for the 40 cent/kwh.