New I3 Recall > Cars Held At Port?

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I am about to buy an i3 that is currently stuck in port awaiting the reprogramming. Dealer said they just converted it to a P1 yesterday to get it out of port and says I should get it in the next week to 10 days in the SF Bay Area. Is this realistic?

I can go to a farther out dealer that has the one I want in stock but I don't like playing musical dealers and I've been working with this one for a bit now.
My logic, being an engineer with lots of manufacturing experience:
Best case would be to have new KLE installed at the factory as part of the ongoing process;
Next best case, have it installed by someone at VPC that has done hundreds of the reinstall;
Worst case, have it done by a technician at the dealer, who hasn't seen many i3's, let alone replace many KLE.

So, go with the one at the port.
Sparky, yes, I was in and out of VPC over last weekend. But iConcierge also claimed my car was built (6 October) with new KLE, so that could account for speed.

Not sure of veracity of that claim, but Concierge seemed sure as there were no "checks" on VIN record.

Happily, I just got photo from dealer... Car arrived this morning. But wouldn't you know it - I'm out of town until Sunday!

I hope to hear that your car has cleared Oxnard soon!!!
robkap said:
Sparky, yes, I was in and out of VPC over last weekend. But iConcierge also claimed my car was built (6 October) with new KLE, so that could account for speed.

Not sure of veracity of that claim, but Concierge seemed sure as there were no "checks" on VIN record.

Happily, I just got photo from dealer... Car arrived this morning. But wouldn't you know it - I'm out of town until Sunday!

I hope to hear that your car has cleared Oxnard soon!!!

Funny, my car was built on October 10th, after yours and I'm getting the KLE recall.