White i3 being followed by a Motorbike

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Nice! Some dodgy overtakes on solid lines though...

Google translates it as:
how many kilometers he creates in this aggressive driving style
Much light 100km?
Or 80km?
Or less?
That is the question.

Which I guess actually means:
How far will he go driving that aggressively?
As many as 100km?
Putting aside the slightly dubious driving in places that is very entertaining footage :D
I've been thinking about this for a couple days, and I have to say that the rear end view sure is ugly, as seen in the motorcycle chase video. And I think that is the view that most people have of the car, in real life, so it's important. This view, including the skinny tires, will tend to bias people against the car, including journalists getting ready for test drives.

The Model S looks great in the rear quarter views. Volt looks OK. Leaf, meh, all sides are equally ugly, but cost trumps looks. I think the i3 is really harmed by that rear end and the skinny tires.

I'm an EV enthusiast and know that EVs are a blast to drive, and I don't doubt the i3 is awesome in that respect. But you have to look at the car before you get in it.
I think the i3 will be a very colour sensitive car and White will be the least flattering combo IMO.
There is another BMW product out in the market place that has a lot of Black Gloss Framing ..... namely the Mini Clubman and every time I see one in White I think it just doesn’t work ......the contrast between the Black and the White is just too severe. Yes, it has that Mary Quant vibe going on .... but to my eyes that combo on a car doesn’t look sophisticated.
I’ll reserve judgement until I see all the colours in the flesh and in daylight but I think other colour combos will give the i3 something no other EV has (apart from the Tesla S) and that is sporty sophistication...and desirability ........ and had the motorbike been following an i3 in any of those colours I hope you might feel differently.

The tyres are another issue ......but hey, you don't follow a motorbike thinking OMG those tyres are thin.
Maybe the i3 is ahead of the curve on that one........