High Voltage Component Malfunction

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Nov 24, 2021
Just wondering if anyone else had a similar issue as my dealer says BMW "are aware of a few".

i3s, 12 months old, done 25,000 miles. Wife left the lights on a couple of weeks ago - no ill effects other than my getting flashed thinking my lights were on to discover "someone" had flipped them off from auto - Hmmm...

Two days ago, came to car in the morning and the frunk was open, thought "odd" and closed it. Next day did 140 mile round trip - all good.

Next day, car dead in the morning - only sign of life was flashing hazard light switch and an open frunk (again) and open boot. Guessed the 12v battery was flat and the frunk opening was the car trying to offer access to the battery. No error codes on the dash.

Called BMW, tech arrived and reported that the 12v battery was at 4.5v, so needed charging. Charged battery, once back to 12v the car woke up as normal. He plugged a diagnostic in and did a download = EME fault, needs to be towed to dealer.

Dealer calls, "there are errors with various high voltage systems, the factory want us to return ALL the high voltage components and looms for them to investigate, so we will be replacing everything" ... I assume this means EME, main battery, 12v battery and motor plus control hardware and wiring - virtually a new car.

I should be receiving the list of components that they are replacing next week, most of it is on back order to Germany.

Anybody else had a similar experience?
EME inverter fuse failure - yes. There have been quite a few VIN numbers recalled older 2016 models for EME replacement. HV cables - yes usually corrosion in older models not in new. 12v yes if it’s left lights on. Sounds like fob butt press has opened and left boot open that flats the 12v from the rear interior light not visible outside car until boot is lifted. Main battery would be unusual. New motor problem not. Most likely counterfeit components from Putin war somewhere in the EME. Hence they want them back to check. Cables are probably OK.
Maybe BMW imitated Putin by putting chips from salvaged washing machines in it.
I understand that when the pre-putin post-Covid chip shortages meant that lots of unscrupulous suppliers made chips that didn’t quite meet standards or failed QA tests but were packaged up and shipped into the supply chain due to demand. Lots of money to be made. Then when the chips, counterfeit ones also, find their way into sub assemblies they work for a bit and then fail. Has been really hard for them to keep these chips out of the supply chain as they look and perform the same but not quite up to it.
That’s worrying for anyone considering a used i3, and not something they can really mitigate against
That’s worrying for anyone considering a used i3, and not something they can really mitigate against
It’s more of a worry for the newer models. i4 and iX3 have experienced a number of issues that seems to relate to QC of components not previously reported as being suspect.

I suspect they are building a pattern of parts failures - as they seem to insist on components going back to Germany for examination. So eventually they will know which VIN numbers are at risk.